Inside from the Cold

It was one of those days, the kind of day that means you no harm, as most days tend to do, but it was a day that had a list, and a list, no matter how much you try, means you must get up and do something. So I dragged myself out of bed and prepared for the day, dressing

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The Solo Private Investigator: 20% Investigator, 80% Everything Else

By Rachele’ Davis Editor’s note: This article was written by Rachele’ Davis of New Hope Investigations.The opinions expressed here belong to Rachele’ Davis. I am a solo private investigator. I have a home office with zero employees and very little overhead. It’s simple. But it’s far from easy. When I officially opened New Hope Investigations for business in 2016, I

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Of Hamsters and Detectives

It is just another day in the life of Jeremy, you get up you have something to eat, you go about your business, just like running on the hamsters wheel, it was just a daily slog, and since Jeremy was a Hamster, it was pretty normal, but then one day, the one day all hamsters dream about happened, the open

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Guide to Search Civil Court Cases Like an Pro

By Brian Willingham In this post, we are going to discuss how to search court records, specifically relating to civil lawsuits. (If you are interested in reading more about how to conduct a criminal background check like an expert, check out our previous post.) I consider court records one of the most important and underutilized resources in an investigator’s arsenal.

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The Downfall of Trustify

By Stephanie Irvine Founded in 2015, Trustify, Inc. was a start-up company dedicated to helping people hire private investigators on-demand. In 2016, Washington Business Journal named the company one of its Startups of the Week, and Trustify amassed a lot of press in its early years for its forward-thinking business model for the private investigations industry. Some likened Trustify’s business

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