Hiring a Private Investigator: Spending Your Money Wisely

By Carie McMichael

Editor’s note: This article was written by Carie McMichael of Lauth Investigations International. The opinions expressed here belong to Carie McMichael.

When encountering a personal or corporate crisis, many individuals and business owners are unsure where to turn. Without the skills and expertise to formulate a solution, it’s common for those persons to retain the services of a private investigator to assist in fact-finding, documentation, and strategies to put that crisis to rest. Whether it’s a custody dispute, employee malingering, or a missing loved one, knowing where your money is going in an independent investigation is part of being a responsible consumer.


Before going online or calling a few references, there are steps you can take as a potential client to ensure the investigation process will not only be smooth, but cost-effective. Private investigators often incur a negative reputation for having high fees. There are a variety of reasons for this reputation, but the bottom line is that comprehensive, quality resources and casework can be costly in order to get to the truth. Private investigators must utilize tools such as verified databases, surveillance technology, and the expertise of field investigators to fill in the gaps in any intake narrative and follow …read more

Source:: Private Invest